Lewd watch is a clicker-style game with lewd images/videos of characters from OverWatch. These images are custom-made for the game for the most part, and art is subject to change if Anything3dart makes a better piece of art for the game of the same character.

You can buy different characters as you get more money, and buy their abilities to help you get more money. Each character has their own abilities, which I have tried to match to their real abilities in Overwatch.

All character art in the game is by Anything3dart on TwitterRedditpixiv.

All other art/code/design is by Anything Games.

© 2021, Anything Games. some rights reserved.

Don't want to play on browser? You can download Lewd Watch here.

Note - I lost most of the patch notes.

Lewd Watch v1.4.0


- Added support for Gamejolt API

- Added 16 trophies to the game (Must be signed into Gamejolt to unlock.)

- Added leaderboards, can you be the richest in Lewd Watch? (Must be signed into Gamejolt to unlock.)

- Added button in the settings/save and load menu to delete save files.


- None


- Fixed a bug that caused the Widow sucking dick video to not play for web-players.

- Fixed a bug that caused the First game redeemable code video to not play for web-players.

If you play on pc and downloaded the Lewd Watch launcher, simply start the game and it will update itself for you.

Rated 3.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorTiredness Games
Tags2D, Adult, Casual, Female Protagonist, NSFW, Singleplayer, Unity

Development log


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the "cancel" button for the sign-in thingy doesn't work in browser unless you full-screen it (using firefox)